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Set Your Mind At Ease With Facts About Dental Implants

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Dental implants allow people who have lost one or more teeth to protect their jawbones, restore their smiles, and chew with confidence. People who elect to have the dental implant procedure performed may have questions about what they're likely to experience throughout the process. They may also have concerns about their ongoing health and safety as a result of this procedure. If you have questions, you're in good company, but these facts may help to set your mind at ease: 

1. Is getting a dental implant painful?

When it comes to any dental procedure, the first question many people have has to do with pain. You may wonder if dental implant surgery is a painful process. However, thanks to the wonders of anesthesia, you shouldn't feel much, if any, discomfort during your procedure. Local anesthesia makes it possible for people to be awake during a painless dental implant surgery. If you're afraid that you'll feel anxious during the surgery and prefer not to be conscious, IV sedation and general anesthesia are additional options that are available to you.

2. Are there risks to getting a dental implant?

Before consenting to surgery, many people have questions about the possible risks and drawbacks they may experience. As with any surgery, there is always a slight chance of infection. There's also a slight chance that your body will reject the implant. However, your oral surgeon will do everything possible to help you prevent these incidents. By following your aftercare instructions, avoiding smoking, and being gentle with your dental implant as it heals, you can maximize your chance of success. It's important to notify your dentist at the first sign of a fever or any unusual pain because these things may signify an infection that requires antibiotic treatment.

3. Do dental implants need to be replaced?

It's common for dental crowns and even fillings to degrade over time, so many people naturally have questions about the longevity of their dental implants. In many cases, dental implants can last for a lifetime as long as they are properly cared for. Dental implants consist of the implant itself, an abutment, and a dental crown. This system allows the overlying dental crown to be replaced, if necessary, while the dental implant itself remains intact below.

4. Will people be able to tell that you have a dental implant?

Dental implants are discreet and completely unnoticeable. That's because the implant itself remains unseen below your gum line, where it takes the place of your natural tooth root. The dental crown attached to the top of your implant will be made of a tooth-like material that is indistinguishable from your natural teeth.

Speak to a dentist to learn more about dental implants
