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4 Things to Know About Teeth Whitening

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Are you currently not happy with the color of your teeth and are considering teeth whitening? If so, you likely have some questions about the procedure before you move forward with having it done.

What Happens If You Have Crowns And Fillings?

The whitening products used on your teeth to make them a few shades whiter are going to affect the natural teeth in your mouth. Be aware that they are not going to alter the color of crowns or fillings that you already have had placed in the past. This is typically not a problem if you have a crown over a real molar or a filling in the grooves of your teeth. However, it can be problematic if you have an artificial front tooth or a cavity in the front surface that is visible to others. A resin used at the time to match your natural teeth will not change color. 

You may need an additional dental procedure to correct the color of a crown or resin filling or use a different whitening procedure instead. For example, dental veneers will cover the entire surface of the teeth so they all match the same color. 

Is It True That your Teeth Will Be Sensitive? 

The pores of your teeth are actually more opened up due to the bleaching product used for teeth whitening. This can cause your teeth to become more sensitive. Your teeth are trying to absorb the things in your mouth, such as the whitening agent, and tend to be more sensitive in the next few days following the procedure. Thankfully, sensitivity tends to go away after a few days and your teeth will go back to normal.

Can Teeth Become Stained After Whitening?

Teeth whitening doesn't make your teeth impervious to getting stained again in the future. In fact, the first few days after, your teeth will be more susceptible to stains. It is advised that you stay away from teeth-staining foods and beverages just to be safe because those open pores are going to absorb dark foods and liquids like a sponge. 

What Makes A Good Candidate For Teeth Whitening?

Your dentist will like your teeth and gums to be healthy prior to any teeth whitening procedure. If you are currently experiencing any problems with gingivitis, the dentist will likely recommend that you have the gingivitis treated before you move forward with a whitening procedure. Talk to a local cosmetic dentist near you to learn more.
