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Learn About Dental Crowns

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There are so many different types of tooth replacement options, dental materials, and treatments that are available to help with dental issues. One common option is the dental crown—a cap that is custom-made to go over someone's tooth when it has an issue. A crown can be put on a single tooth, or it can be part of a bridge. A bridge can be composed of more than one crown and possibly implants, to correct numerous dental issues someone has, as well as to replace one or more teeth they may be missing. Here is more on dental crowns: 

1. How dental crowns are made

Since dental crowns are made to fit over a damaged tooth, they need to fit in your mouth while still keeping your bite correct. So, an impression is made of your mouth to make a model of your teeth, gums, and bite. The crown is molded on the tooth with wax and then cast with metal. It will then have porcelain applied to it and built up to the right size and crafted to look like your other teeth. The color of your other teeth will be matched and the correct color and shade of materials will be used. It will go in an oven at extremely high heat to harden the porcelain. Your dentist will then put it on your tooth with a strong glue agent and you will be ready to go as soon as the crown is in place. 

2. What dental crowns can help with

A dental crown can be used for so many different issues as long as there is enough of your tooth left for the crown to be affixed to. Just some of the things that a dentist may choose a crown to treat include serious cavities, a broken tooth, a chipped tooth, a tooth that has a fracture in it, a tooth that is noticeably smaller than the others, a tooth that has an odd shape to it, and much more. In some cases, a dentist may want to put crowns on most, if not all, of a person's teeth because their teeth may have problems that leave them weak and at risk of early erosion or other damage or injuries. 

3. Some dental crown advantages

One advantage crowns often offer is that they can be the more affordable way to go. Also, crowns can help with your dental problems in a way that looks like you've had no dental work done. Crowns are also strong and you just brush and floss them right along with your teeth.
