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Could Medical Marijuana Be The Solution To Your TMJ Pain?

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Medical marijuana is often touted as a remedy for anxiety, depression, and chronic pain conditions. However, there are many other uses for this medication, and it may even be a good choice for managing your TMJ pain. TMJ pain is notoriously stubborn, and it's not common for patients to try treatments like NSAIDs, orthodontics, and mouth guards — and yet receive little relief. If you've tried these more conventional treatments but are still suffering from jaw pain, then it may be time to consider medical marijuana. Here are a few more details to consider.

How does medical marijuana help ease TMJ pain?

Although nobody knows for certain exactly how medical marijuana relieves TMJ pain, it appears to work in two different ways. First, it relieves inflammation. (This is why it's so helpful for treating a wide range of inflammatory conditions, from migraines to joint pain.) While inflammation may not directly cause TMJ pain, it is definitely a factor. Once medical marijuana brings your jaw inflammation down, the components of your TMJ won't interfere with each other so much, which will make you more comfortable.

For many patients, TMJ pain is related to stress. Feeling stressed causes you to clench your jaw, and that irritates your TMJ. Medical marijuana causes you to relax, which causes your jaw to relax, which helps ease your TMJ pain.

Where can you get medical marijuana for your TMJ pain?

This varies by state. In some states, your dentist may be able to directly prescribe you medical marijuana. You would then be issued a medical marijuana card, which would allow you to shop for medicine at a local dispensary. In other states, your dentist may need to refer you to a doctor who specializes in medical marijuana. This doctor would evaluate your condition, and if they determine that you meet requirements, issue you a prescription. In either case, you start by talking to your dentist. 

Is medical marijuana a substitute for other TMJ treatments?

This really depends on what other treatments you are undergoing and how your body is responding to them. If you're midway through an orthodontic treatment, for instance, it's often worth continuing with the treatment and using medical marijuana as an in-between treatment until you feel more effects from the orthodontia. If you've been taking ibuprofen, but it hasn't been giving you any relief, then there's probably no reason to keep taking it once you get your pain under control with marijuana. Talk to your dentist for specific advice regarding the treatments you've been using.

Medical marijuana is not a fix-all, but the fact that it relieves both inflammation and stress makes it a promising option for TMJ pain relief.

Talk to your dentist for more information about a medical marijuana prescription.
