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4 Ways To Help Your Kids Have Healthy Teeth

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Just because your kids start with baby teeth that they will eventually lose and get permanent teeth doesn't mean you should delay teaching your kids about healthy dental habits. Healthy dental habits are essential from a young age.

Help Your Kids Brush Their Teeth

Up until about kindergarten or first grade, you should be helping your child brush their teeth. You can allow your child to brush their teeth on their own to foster a sense of independence and responsibility. However, you should follow up by brushing their teeth for them as well.

Young children do not have the dexterity or the ability to brush their teeth properly thoroughly. If you start doing this as soon as your child gets teeth, it will be natural and normal for your child to have them assist you with brush their teeth.

Model the Proper Way to Brush Teeth

Learning to brush one's teeth is a long-term process. You shouldn't just model it once and assume your kids get it. Continue model and talk to your child about how they need to work their toothbrush along the front, top, and back sides of their teeth.

Show your child how you brush your gums and your tongue. Remind your child to brush in a circular motion. Model the right way to brush your teeth for your child, and work to make the process as fun as possible.

Visit the Dentist

You can make going to the dentist less scary by taking your child to the dentist when they are young. Talk to your kid about what going to a family dentist will be like. There are lots of great books and videos that help kids understand what will happen when they go to the dentist. Help your child see that the dentist is another person, like a doctor or a firefighter, who is helpful.

Take your child to see the dentist at least twice a year. Your dentist can help monitor your child's dental health and teach your child how to take care of their dental health.

Help Your Child Create Healthy Eating Habits

One of the best things you can do for your child's oral health is to help them develop good eating habits. Encourage your child to drink water and milk. Limit their exposure to sugary drinks, like soda and sports drinks. Help your child develop a taste for fruits and vegetables instead of sugary treats. You can help your child develop their taste buds for healthy foods that will protect their overall oral health.

Help your child have great oral health by demonstrating how to brush your teeth properly and by helping your children brush their teeth. Be sure to start visiting the dentist once your child gets their first tooth and help your child develop healthy eating habits that will keep their teeth in good shape. 
