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The Difference Between Invisible Braces You Buy From Your Orthodontist And Those You Buy Through The Mail

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If you are thinking about getting invisible braces, you might be considering the ones you saw advertised on TV. You might be thinking that these are less expensive than the ones you get from your orthodontist, but are they really? Can the mail order version of Invisalign braces be equally as good as the ones from the orthodontist? Here are a few things to consider before you spend the money. 

The Mail Order Ones Will Not Correct an Overbite or Underbite

In addition to correcting crooked and/or crowded teeth, the invisible, removable braces your orthodontist gives you also correct any other dental misalignments, such as an overbite or underbite. Your orthodontist knows how to make these precise corrections with the invisible braces so that they more effectively correct your smile. The mail order variety of braces do not make these adjustments or accommodations. If all you want to correct is a few teeth that are out of place or have noticeable gaps, then the mail order braces may work for you. 

Your Orthodontist Can Make Replacement Braces If You Lose Any

Your orthodontist takes regular molds of your teeth as the invisible braces change the way your teeth and your mouth are positioned and shaped respectively. The molds taken with mail order braces happens only once or twice, and losing any braces in your treatment packs can render the rest of the braces useless. If you get these braces through your orthodontist, the orthodontist can quickly turn around and make you a replacement pair for the missing pair within a couple of days. Doing so allows for you to continue treatment without having to do several braces over again or losing out on braces that are already made or have not been made yet but for which you were charged. If you try to get a replacement pair through the mail order company, it may take weeks, and then the replacement pair may no longer fit, rendering your treatment plan null. 

The Mail Order Braces Base Treatment on the Expectation That Everything Goes According to Predicted Plan

The mail order companies offering invisible braces create a treatment plan based on the assumption that everything will go accordingly and that nothing out of the ordinary will happen with your teeth. They assume that slight changes that are supposed to happen weekly will happen. They do not take into account anything that might go awry, and they cannot alter your treatment plan or remake braces if something out of the ordinary occurs. Your orthodontist can accommodate any unusual circumstance as it comes up. 

For more information about Invisalign treatment, contact an orthodontist in your area.
