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3 Things To Know If You Have A Loose Permanent Tooth

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While it is normal for baby teeth to come loose and then fall out, it is not normal for a permanent tooth to come loose or fall out. Permanent teeth do not get replaced if they fall out, as you only get one set of them, and when a permanent tooth comes loose, you will need to seek dental help. Here are three things to know about loose permanent teeth.

Reasons they come loose

The first thing to know is what causes permanent teeth to come loose. The most common cause of this is trauma. If a hard baseball flies at your face and hits your mouth, it could be enough force to knock a tooth loose. If you hit the windshield of your car in an automobile collision, the force could be strong enough to knock out the tooth. Playing sports is a common cause of trauma to teeth, so you should always make sure you wear a mouth guard if you plan to do activities like this.

Teeth might also come loose if you have gum disease. As gum disease progresses, the gums wear away, and this tends to cause teeth to naturally become loose because they have nothing holding them in place other than their roots.

The procedures a dentist can use to fix the tooth

When a tooth is loose, there a chance that a dentist could save the tooth. If not, though, there are procedures available to replace missing teeth. To save the tooth, a dentist might attach a splint to the tooth. A splint would hold it in place, and this might give the tooth's roots enough time to grow strong enough to hold the tooth in place.

Tooth replacement options

If there is no way to save the tooth, your dentist might suggest removing the tooth and preparing the area for an artificial tooth. You could use a dental bridge for replacing a tooth, as long as you have healthy teeth next to the area where the loose tooth was. You could also use a dental implant to replace the tooth. If you have multiple missing teeth, your dentist might suggest using removable partial dentures.

If you currently have a permanent tooth that is loose, you should not hesitate in contacting a dental clinic. If you can get treatment right away, there is a better chance the dentist could save this tooth.

For more information, contact a dentist in your area.
