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Stop Feeling Ashamed About Your Smile

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It's perfectly natural for your teeth to degrade as time goes on. The problem for some people, though, is their teeth can fall into a state of disrepair too soon because they just didn't do a good job of following an oral care routine. If this sounds like you, chances are you might be feeling ashamed about the current state of affairs, making you hesitant to smile or even open your mouth to speak when out in a group setting. If you want to restore your teeth and your life, here's why you should stop hesitating and get dental implants today.

Dental Implants Don't Have to Remove All of Your Natural Teeth

First, let's be clear: you don't need to remove all of your natural teeth to get dental implants. You could install just one or two implants to replace a missing natural tooth, or you could get implants for just your upper or lower row, leaving the other natural teeth intact. This will help reduce your final bill and the time it takes to recover. Talk to your dentist about which options might be best for you.

Dental Implants Will Let You Smile in Public Again

When was the last time you truly smiled during a family photo taken at someone's birthday party or during the holidays? Your mouth is likely to remain closed as much as possible if you are embarrassed about the current state of your teeth. Dental implants can restore your smile and your peace of mind.

Dental Implants Will Make It Easier to Eat

Another common area that people often feel ashamed about their degraded natural teeth is at the dinner table. If you are missing some natural teeth, you might have to chew somewhat awkwardly in a way that could be noticeable to those who are sitting with you. Installing dental implants will allow you to eat normally again and it will probably be more comfortable for you to chew as well.

There Are Multiple Materials (and Prices) Available

Another common deterrent for some people when it comes to dental implants is the cost. People think implants are expensive and while they may cost more than dentures in general, there are multiple options available that can keep the price down. Dental implants can be crafted from everything ranging from stainless steel to titanium or carbon. Talk to your dentist about the benefits of each material type and find a material that fits your price range.

Stop feeling ashamed about opening your mouth in public. Talking to a dental implant expert today could pave the way towards a better overall quality of life. Companies like Smile City can help.
